AGSS Anti Gas Anesthestic Gas

UMS Evacuater

the Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging (AGS) units are designed to remove waste gases effectively from the
patient breathing circuit or patient ventilation circuit from operating environment to an appropriate place of discharge

The evacuation process is intended to reduce the exposure of healthcare personnel and provide a safe, healthy workspace
by controlling occupational exposure to waste anaesthetic gases

AGS units are available in Single Blower (MONO) and Double Blower (DUO) configuration. These are dedicated low velocity
evacuation and disposal system for collection of excess gases from one or more Operation Rooms and discharged to the
outdoors. The powerful side channel exhaust blower makes the unit very compact, reliable and creates sufficient negative
pressure, so that cross-contamination do not occur in a dedicated pipeline where multiple ORs are connected.

Special Features

Optional Features

MONO or DUO are part of active evacuation and disposal system which can produce high capture levels and removal at the
source eliminates the possible long term health hazards for the exposed medical staff in hospitals, stand-alone operating
rooms, recovery rooms, dental operations etc. These are most suitable onsite disposal system for health care facilities that
have multiple operating suites.

AGS unit “DUO.” is a double unit set-up wherein, one unit is in operational mode while other unit is in stand-by mode. But
DUO has additional advantage of automatically supporting the operating unit in case of higher demand and remains
operational till restoration of normalcy. It also offers a choice to pre-select operative & stand-by mode.

Technical & Ordering Information

NOTE : A dedicated set-up of active Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System (AGSS) / Waste Anaesthetic Gas Disposal (WAGD) functionally have four essential components :
**The scavenger interface / receiving unit is the most important component in an active system for protection from excessive positive system pressure. (Refer to the separate brochure “Scavenging Interface”.)

A schematic representation of the Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System is given on the next page..

AGSS / WAGD Accessories

Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging Unit i.e. vacuum source plant (AGS MONO & AGS DUO) require accessories to make the system work effectively. Other than the vacuum source, accessories associated with the unit are optional. (Pipework exclude)